Saturday, March 26, 2011

We Planted a Tree

This book is about- you guessed it, children planting trees. It's a great story about why we should plant trees. The children in the book learn how trees help the environment and us. I read this to my 3rd graders as part of our Earth Day week in school and they absolutely loved it! Afterwards we were able to actually plant trees and clean up the area around our school. It's a great book to use if you are trying to introduce basic information about our environment, seasons, or healthy eating. It's written as a poem, so you can also use it in a poetry unit if you'd like.


  1. Liz,
    This book sounds so amazing! Trees are such an essential part of life and I don’t think a lot of children realize that. This book could also be used on a Science unit on ecosystems for older students. I love how you used this book for the Earth Day activity. Whenever we can implement a good book to reinforce literacy skills, it’s always good to do it!

    Jenn :)

  2. Liz,
    This seems like such a great educational and fun book to read to the children. The children can become very interested and enjoy learning about planing trees. You could possibly use this for a math lesson on counting seeds. Having the children count out the seeds they are going to plant is a real good hands on activity. I will definitely have to look into this book at a later date for my students!

    Miranda S.
