"The Sneetches" by Dr. Seuss is a great book to read to children as an introduction to bullying or discrimination. The story follows the Star-Belly Sneetches who mistreat the Plain-Belly Sneetches. The town is thrown into chaos when Sylvester McMonkey McBean shows up and makes the Plain-Belly Sneetches Star-Belly Sneetches and the Star-Belly Sneetches Plain-Belly Sneetches. Dr. Seuss's site is a great resource for this book (as well as most of his other books), if you are looking for a full lesson, then click here.
Dr. Seuss books are awesome to have in the classroom! Students think they are hysterical! These books also give students information about rhyming and they can start making words to enhance their literacy education! Thank you for sharing!
ReplyDeleteThis would be good to read to students once a teacher sees that a child is being bullying in class.
ReplyDeleteThe Sneetches is such an amazing book for discussion on acceptance of those who are different from us and being accepting of other cultures. I would use this book as a way to discuss why differences sometimes set us apart and how we can close gaps between people who may be different from us.